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My name is Sara. I am a loving, fun, vivacious woman with a love for photography. While I love photographing everything I see capturing the intimate moments of people is my passion. Whether it is the moment a child realizes something for the first time or a teenager finally sees who they really are I LOVE to be there. I want to freeze the moment of joy shared by a family as they play together. I want to capture forever the love of a newly engaged couple. It is what I love to do! Here you'll find the 'stories' whether in word or image of those most precious moments. Enjoy!


time flies

They warned me and I thought I knew, but it slipped through my fingers. Time, that is. I grew up with brothers much much younger than me. I really thought I understood what it meant to watch a baby grow and change over a few months. But as I watch my own baby grow I realize I didn't have a clue. At a whopping 15 lbs she's tripled in size and personality. I can hardly remember the days when she looked like that first picture. So small, so sleepy. It makes me glad that I skipped the needed nap to snap a few.

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1 comment:

Tren and Chylie said...

I am in love with your work sara!! You are so talented! I can't wait til I have a family so you can photograph our candid moments!