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My name is Sara. I am a loving, fun, vivacious woman with a love for photography. While I love photographing everything I see capturing the intimate moments of people is my passion. Whether it is the moment a child realizes something for the first time or a teenager finally sees who they really are I LOVE to be there. I want to freeze the moment of joy shared by a family as they play together. I want to capture forever the love of a newly engaged couple. It is what I love to do! Here you'll find the 'stories' whether in word or image of those most precious moments. Enjoy!


Day 27

the challenge: to photograph every. single. day. in my every day life for thirty days.

captured: while we waited for dinner

the story: just the usual evening stuff going on. Mara had eaten and taken a bath and now it was our turn to eat. Jayson was making something yummy and we were all just playing around waiting to eat it. Jayson called my attention to this shot and it had to be the one! Who needs a fish eye lens when you have an al-clad mixing bowl!?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these shots!