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My name is Sara. I am a loving, fun, vivacious woman with a love for photography. While I love photographing everything I see capturing the intimate moments of people is my passion. Whether it is the moment a child realizes something for the first time or a teenager finally sees who they really are I LOVE to be there. I want to freeze the moment of joy shared by a family as they play together. I want to capture forever the love of a newly engaged couple. It is what I love to do! Here you'll find the 'stories' whether in word or image of those most precious moments. Enjoy!



I recently read that in order to be a good blogger you can't just post pictures, but you also have to write. "People like stories" is what it said. And although I'm sure that's true I just can't make myself write anything. For me, words often take away from the pictures. I don't want to tell you what to think about them. Instead I want you to experience them. Soak them up. Let them take you where I've been and what I've seen. Hopefully the images tell a story themselves and you don't need a play by play.

It is also my hope that you can feel and see the love I have for the things I photograph. Yes, even people I hardly know. Because as we interact and open up to each other I always always see something so beautiful. So I'll let these faces and places speak for themselves and keep the words to a minimum. Hopefully you can enjoy the world I see and get to know me a little better through them.



Dustin said...

Most people need to use words because they can't take such incredible photos as you (like me!). Seriously! All of your pictures are fantastic - this batch is very much included. Looks like you guys had a great time!

Jayson & Sara said...

Thank you Dustin! And it's not that I don't enjoy other people's stories and writing. It's just I don't know what more I can say. Hope that makes sense.

sean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alys said...

First, Sean was logged in somehow, even though I am, that is why there is an erased comment. It was mine.
I think words play their part in some blogs. Kind of like what was already said. But, those blogs don't have as many fun things to take pictures of, or have a good "eye" like you do, so they need words to make their blog good. Anyway, I particularly like few words because then I don't feel guilty if I don't read. If there is a short post I read. Long posts, I typically look at the pictures and if those are exciting, then I go back and read.
Anyway, I love the picture of the rocks. Who knew rocks could look so pretty?

Jayson & Sara said...

I agree Alys. I think some blogs need words. And maybe mine does :) I just don't know what they would be. I'm not against words in general. Just when I have to come up with them :)