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My name is Sara. I am a loving, fun, vivacious woman with a love for photography. While I love photographing everything I see capturing the intimate moments of people is my passion. Whether it is the moment a child realizes something for the first time or a teenager finally sees who they really are I LOVE to be there. I want to freeze the moment of joy shared by a family as they play together. I want to capture forever the love of a newly engaged couple. It is what I love to do! Here you'll find the 'stories' whether in word or image of those most precious moments. Enjoy!


big news


In our short four (soon to be five) years of marriage Mr. Weir and I have moved a grant total of six times. To my grandma's for a short month just after being married, to Sacramento, to Grenada where we lived in three different apartments, and to New York. And we're moving for at least one more year to Sacramento.

Admittedly this move is bittersweet. I've always wanted to live in New York and I'm finally starting to feel like I understand this city. I get the lots of people everywhere all the time thing. I get the concrete jungle with its crazies. I get the subway and I get the miles and miles of walking. I even get the Barnes and Nobel fetish. But mostly I get the parks. I get the trees and the Ramble that winds through it. I get walking eight long blocks to get there just to feel like you're breathing fresh air. I get laying out in a bikini there just to feel the sun. And I not only get the great lawn, but love it. I love the bridges and all the new things I see each time I go there. I get the parks. Nothing compares to Central Park. Probably just 'cause nothing compares to New York. Therein, among other things, lies the bitter.

Then I pause and realize, I have yet to get the schlepping. And I taste sweet!

Sweet is the reality of not only living by but with family. The sweet is in evenings spent by the pool being splashed by those you love and love you back. The sweet, when I think of it in this way overwhelms the bitter. It is a most delicious sweet. It is ... going to be a bittersweet, but mostly sweet move.

See you in Sacramento!


Dumm Family said...

When are you coming back here?!?! I love how your use of words. If photography doesn't work out for you, you should definitely be an author.

Sean and Kristina Kelly said...

Wow! Why are you heading back there? That is AWESOME!!

Sara and Dustin said...

Sara Weir!! That's so exciting for you guys!! When do you head out there?

Jayson & Sara said...

We're moving the end of July. The details have yet to be worked out. Somehow moving back somewhere familiar has reduced stress.

Meghan said...

Oh my goodness! You will only be two hours away! Do you know what this means?!! We can totally see each other and have some photography adventures! You could teach me your brilliant ways!

I'm so excited! (Sorry for the overuses of exclamation marks, but I'm really quite thrilled).

Alys said...

Yea! We are so excited for you guys to come here. We will definitely have to hang out!

Amanda said...

How fun for you to get back where you have family. Good luck and I hope the move goes smoothly!

PS we will have to try to get together before you head out. It would a shame to be so close and not even get to see each other.

Denzil and Brittany said...

Good luck! That is great you get to be with family again.

Tara Jayne said...

How sad for me, I was looking forward to having another friend on the East Coast. But I'm glad for you! I will be in NYC on July 17th-19th if you wanna do something . . .